4 Frequently Asked Questions in the Maritime Industry (And How They Can Help Aspiring Students Like You)

ByJames Abram

4 Frequently Asked Questions in the Maritime Industry (And How They Can Help Aspiring Students Like You)

Being a seafarer is a strenuous venture. Maritime schools Philippines implement strict rules and regulations as there are hurdles you have to overcome before you become a true blue marine. You might have asked yourself these queries too; so before you pursue this...Read More

10 Study Tips for Maritime Senior High School Students

ByJames Abram

10 Study Tips for Maritime Senior High School Students

If you’re feeling fidgety about a test, don’t worry; there are certain strategies that can get you prepped in no time. Aside from not panicking, here are 10 study tips that can help senior high school for maritime like you ace your exams: Give...Read More

7 Workout Routines to Keep Maritime Students Like You in Tip-Top Shape

ByJames Abram

7 Workout Routines to Keep Maritime Students Like You in Tip-Top Shape

In any maritime school in the Philippines, a strict regimen and rigorous physical training is a major part of a student’s journey. These are vital in maintaining a great physique and healthy lifestyle. If you’d like a daily workout routine without having to...Read More

The Lifesaving Role of Education and Training in the Maritime Industry

ByJames Abram

The Lifesaving Role of Education and Training in the Maritime Industry

(manila.locanto.ph) The Philippines has become a newly industrialized country and one of Southeast Asia’s growth leaders thanks to thoughtful reforms and stable finances. In the beginning of 2016, the Philippine economy was the fastest growing economy in Asia and even overtook China for...Read More

5 Ways to Make Maritime Senior High Schoolers Back-to-School Ready

ByJames Abram

5 Ways to Make Maritime Senior High Schoolers Back-to-School Ready

(pntc.edu.ph) Being in senior high school is being on one of the most important stages in your life.  It’s that time where you start contemplating on life’s huge decisions: should you start immersing yourself in the “real world” or should you pursue a...Read More

4 Technologies That Will Shape the Face of the Maritime Industry in 2017

ByJames Abram

4 Technologies That Will Shape the Face of the Maritime Industry in 2017

(rappler.com)The global maritime industry is going through a lot of technological breakthroughs this 2017 and the Philippines is no exception. Enroling in a maritime school would be a fun and engaging experience with the emergence of these modernizations. Here’s a glimpse of what trends...Read More